Kamis, 08 November 2007

Computer Software

Computer hardware nothing be function without soft ware.
There are 3 kinds software,they are :
a. Operating software, it is writing program for controlling and coordinating the computer program. Example : Windows, VNIX, LINUX, and LMS
b. Language software, this program for translating some writed instruction in program language into mechine language so that can known in computer. Example : Visual Basic, Delphi, and C++
c. Application software, this is a software who has maked from Software House for finishing standart assignment. Example : Microsoft Word for making some document.
Microsoft Excel for do numeric document.

Before use software, there are many steps to do in order your software be active if software don't installed let's do these steps in below :
First, you must insatalled the software
Steps :
1. Input the software CD
2. In the lokk box, choose drive CD-Rom and search file set up.exe
3. Click Open
4. Click OK
and proccess installed aplication program had been starting.

And follow step in that installizing proccess.

In Microsoft Office there are many application program, they are :
1. Microsoft Word
2. Microsoft Excel
3. Microsoft Accsess
4. Microsoft Powerpoint
5. Microsoft Frontpage
6. Microsoft Outlook

So only ones installiszin Microsoft Office with full package, all of that application had been installing.
After all the program had been installing, click Start - All Program, and chose your application icon

12 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

for the authors of this article, i ask You,
1. to correct your english well,
2. rearrange your article

after finish, please find the answer this question,
1. how and where we can find and run "piano software"?
2. please describe the meaning of freeware and shareware?


Anonim mengatakan...

postingnya cukup ribet bossss!!!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

actually your english isn't well,and so do i,i admit that my english isn't well too! but we should try to use an english better,and always learn it,because it's also important for us!

Anonim mengatakan...

PleAsE, CoRReCt your StRucTuR ArticLe n' YouR LaNgUaGe!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

apakah ada software selain yang disebutkan?

Anonim mengatakan...

@ arizzt: kalo gak niat komen, gak usah koment dengan tulisan mabuk model begitu, gunakan kaidah penulisan yang benar

Anonim mengatakan...

hai Bro!!!!!!! qok tensesnya ganti2 sebetulnya khan satu tenses. dari continous tenses berubah ke Past tenses. gmn sich?

lam by AIS

Anonim mengatakan...

correct your structur article and your language!!!!!
(perbaikan komment yang tadi)

Vonkz Skipper mengatakan...

What the mean of "VNIX, LINUX, and LMS" this word is unique

Anonim mengatakan...

heiiiiiiiiiiii cebok manda gak masuk GSM sungguh terlalu

Anonim mengatakan...

hai Bro!!!!!!!!!!

Lain kali sebelum ngeluarin posting koreksi lagi ya?

fa8c_HBK mengatakan...

fif salah satu contoh perangkat lunak sistem operasi itu VNIX atau UNIX